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Pushing through the Pandemic

What has ELA been up to since going through the pandemic and coming outside?

We traveled to Ghana, Africa Jan 2021, to enlarge the tech education platform to increase awareness and knowledge within the Tech Ecosystem. We facilitated a five day workshop for women to increase their understanding in how tech careers can positively change their outlook on life. We also opened a international chapter of Emerging Ladies Academy. We have now 21 young ladies as sisters with in the community of black girls who tech!

We are so grateful to enlarge our territory to impact black girls just not locally, but also internationally. What a blessing! Since we have been back so many opportunities have presented themselves with resources and opportunities to expand trainings and workshops to more black girls in the Metro area.

In April, we enrolled 14 young ladies with the Omaha chapter of Emerging Ladies Academy. They are learning how to create websites, mobile apps, biomedical science, and more. Some of the girls are currently enrolled in College Now at Metro Community College. They are learning how to build mobile apps on IOS devices! How exciting!

Lastly, since March 2021, We have been featured on the news for the work we have done this year! Click the link to learn more about the news story! We are just getting started, keep supporting ELA, we have more work ahead to empower our black girls in Tech!

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